The International FoodTec Award from DLG and its partners recognises ground-breaking developments in innovation, sustainability and efficiency in the food technology sector. An international panel of experts from research and academia as well as representatives from the field select the most innovative concepts.
The International FoodTec Award will be presented in the form of gold and silver medals. Gold medals are awarded to products with a new concept in which the function has significantly changed and the use of which gives rise to a new process or materially improves an existing process. Silver medals are awarded to existing products which have been developed to such an extent that a substantial improvement in their function and the process is achieved.
Innovations may be submitted from the following areas: process technology including measuring, control and regulating technology, automation and robotics, filling and packaging, environmental, biotechnology, process management including software solutions, logistics, food safety and quality management.
Since 1994 DLG has awarded the technology prize in cooperation with the following partner organisations and trade media:
- EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology)
- Anuga FoodTec
- „Fleischwirtschaft“ and „Fleischwirtschaft international“ (Deutscher Fachverlag Publishing House)
- „Getränkeindustrie“ and „Brewing and Beverage Industry International“ (Publishing House W. Sachon GmbH)
- „European Dairy Magazine“ and „Die Milchwirtschaft“ (Th. Mann Publishing House)
- „DLG-Lebensmittel“ (DLG Publishing House)
- „Lebensmitteltechnik“ (LT Food Media Publishing House)